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Yamba’s Beacon: A Lighthouse Legacy Unveiled

Perched majestically atop Pilot Hill, Yamba’s Clarence River Lighthouse stands as a sentinel of maritime history, offering a stunning view of the coastline and beyond. Built in 1955 to replace an earlier beacon from 1880, this 18-metre concrete tower embodies the evolution of coastal navigation in New South Wales.

A Beacon Through Time

The story of Yamba’s lighthouse begins with a humble kerosene lamp placed on a platform in 1866. This rudimentary light was succeeded by a small wooden "humpy" in 1880, from which a larger kerosene lamp was used to guide ships. This first permanent lighthouse, constructed by W. Kinnear, was a key navigational aid, visible for 6 nautical miles.

Over time, the original lighthouse faced new challenges as the Pacific Hotel began to obstruct the light, and the site was earmarked for a reservoir. In response, a modern 18-metre lighthouse was built in 1955 on Pilot Hill, and the apparatus from the old lighthouse was transferred to the new tower. The old structure was demolished in 1956, and the site eventually became home to a replica of the original lighthouse, now housing the Yamba Community Radio Station 2TLC.

Legacy and Preservation

The legacy of Yamba’s lighthouse is preserved not only in its physical structures but also through the stories of its keepers. Jane Freeburn, daughter of the pilot who tended the temporary light, recalls the early days with vivid memories. Her experiences, along with those of early keepers like William Walker and Charles McAuley, provide a window into the lighthouse’s rich history. Today, the original kerosene lamp pole stands in Story Park, serving as a historical artifact and connection to Yamba’s maritime past.

Coastal Bliss and Iconic Views

Visitors to Yamba’s lighthouse often combine their trip with a taste of the region’s culinary delights. Many enjoy grabbing fish and chips, particularly the famous Yamba prawns, from local favourites like Yamba’s Fisho or the Yamba Coop. These fresh, succulent prawns and crispy fish make for a perfect meal to enjoy while taking in the breathtaking scenery.

A popular spot is the hill beneath the lighthouse, where visitors can sit and savour their fish and chip picnic while gazing out over the iconic Yamba Main Beach and the expansive coastline. This picturesque setting provides a memorable experience, offering both a taste of local flavour and a panoramic view of the stunning coastal landscape. It’s a perfect way to relax and soak in the natural beauty of Yamba, making it an unforgettable part of any holiday.

Visiting Yamba’s Beacon

Whether you’re drawn by its rich history or the chance to enjoy some of the best seafood with a view, Yamba’s Clarence River Lighthouse offers a unique and captivating experience. Explore the lighthouse’s legacy, savor the local cuisine, and take in the iconic views of Yamba Main Beach from this historic site. It’s a combination of history, taste, and scenery that promises to enhance your holiday experience in Yamba.


Yamba lighthouse

Pilot St, Yamba NSW