Please find a list of FAQs below:
Can I have check-in early or check out late?
We always proactively offer early check-in or late check-out if we can. It will depend on other bookings and our cleaning schedules.
We can generally only confirm if early or late check-ins/ outs are possible around three days before you arrive. We will proactively offer it.
If your room is ready earlier than expected on the day, we will always let you know so you can check in early.
How do I rebook for next year?
We open our booking window 12 months ahead. If you’d like to rebook for the same dates next year, please let us know early so we can block the dates and send you a quote. Please note that rebooking is subject to availability and there is no guarantee that your preferred dates will be available.
Do you have babysitting recommendations?
Care For Kids offer babysitting services in Yamba.